Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act

Community Living York South is committed to working towards full compliance with all standards under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA) as they are introduced. We affirm our commitment to providing quality services in a manner that respects the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities.

Statement of Commitment

Community Living York South is committed to treating all people in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence. We believe in integration and equal opportunity. We are committed to meeting the needs of people with disabilities in a timely manner, and will do so by preventing and removing barriers to accessibility and meeting accessibility requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act.

Community Living York South’s AODA Multi-Year Accessibility Plan (PDF Format)

Click here to read our Accessible Customer Service Policy 

Accessible Customer Service


Community Living York South is committed to providing goods and services that are accessible to all people.

10.2.1 Objective (s)

The objective of this policy is to outline the manner in which we intend to provide goods and services to people with disabilities.

10.2.2 Procedures

Guiding Principles

To ensure accessible customer service, Community Living York South will use reasonable effort to ensure that all policies, procedures and practices related to the provision of goods and services to people with disabilities are consistent with the following principles:


  • Goods and services will be provided in a way that allows people to maintain self-respect and the respect of others
  • People with disabilities are as valued and as deserving of full and effective services as any other customer.


  • Goods and services will be provided without unnecessary help or interference from others
  • Independence means freedom to make one’s own choices and decisions
  • Integrated services are those that are designed to be accessible to everyone including people with disabilities
  • People with disabilities will be able to benefit from the same services, in the same place, and in the same or similar ways as other customers
  • In some cases, based on individual needs, integration may not serve the needs of all people. If this is the case alternative measures to integration will be provided.

Equality of Opportunity

  • Goods and services will be provided in such a way that a person with a disability will have the same opportunity to benefit from our goods and services as other customers
  • A person with a disability should not have to make significantly more effort to access or obtain our goods and services and should not have to accept less quality or more inconvenience.

Customer Service Channels

Community Living York South will provide accessible customer service in all areas of our organizations including:

  • In person on any Community Living York South owned/leased property
  • In person, off site in the community
  • Communications by email
  • Communications by telephone
  • Communications by regular mail
  • On the Community Living York South website.

Click here to read our feedback process related to the information and Communication Standards 

Customer Feedback


Community Living York South recognizes that receiving feedback provides a valuable opportunity to learn and improve. Community Living York South also recognizes the rights of our customers to offer a suggestion, make a complaint, or compliment us on the way we provide goods or services.

It is the policy of Community Living York South to have an established process for receiving and responding to feedback on the manner in which we provide our goods and services to people with disabilities and to make information about this process readily available.

10.5.1 Objective (s)

The objectives of this policy are to:

  • Outline the process for receiving and responding to feedback,
  • Detail how and where information regarding our Feedback Policy will be posted.

10.5.2 Procedures

Receiving Feedback

People with disabilities may use different methods of communication. In order to make our feedback process as accessible as possible, Community Living York South accepts complaints, suggestions and/or compliments in a variety of formats.

Customers are invited to provide their feedback on the way we provide our goods and services to people with disabilities in the following ways:

  • In person
  • By telephone
  • In writing
  • By email
  • Agency Website

In order to help Community Living York South fully address the feedback received, where possible, the following information must be included:

  • Time and date
  • Description of complaint, suggestion or compliment
  • Additional Comments
  • Contact information (should the person wish to be contacted).

Employees will be familiar with how to direct and assist with complaints, suggestions or compliments on agency services.

Responding to Feedback

All feedback received regarding the way in which Community Living York South provides goods and services to people with disabilities will be directed to Human Resources. Feedback will be grouped, reviewed and stored by category (complaint, suggestion, or compliment).

A record will be maintained outlining the details, follow-up and actions to be taken.

If the Feedback Form indicates the customer wishes to be contacted, Community Living York South will respond within ten (10) business days either in writing, in person, by e-mail or by telephone acknowledging the receipt of feedback and outlining the action(s) to be taken.

Notice of Feedback Process

Information about Community Living York South’s process for receiving and responding to feedback will be readily available to the public.

Community Living York South informs the public about our feedback process in a number of ways. These include:

  • Notice posted and forms available in reception area(s)
  • Notice posted and forms available on our website.