


Is a 3 digit phone number and website that provides information on community, social, health and government services in ontario at York Region.

This website is an opportunity for people with disabilities and the broader community to engage in dialogue around issues that matter to all.

AboutFace International

AboutFace works to provide information services, emotional support and educational programs for children, adults with a facial disfigurement and their families.

ADAPT – Association of Differently-Abled People Together

Provides support services to seniors and individuals with physical and mental disabilities.

Creating Alternatives Day Program 

A registered charitable organization providing day programs for adults with a developmental disability.

Program Coordinator: Maria Rea
Funds Development & Events Administrator: Joshua Mendes
Fee for Service: $65/day
Fee for Service 1:1 Support: $175
Respite: $65/day

ARCH Disability Law Center

Provides legal information, public legal education, community development and law reform.

Autism Ontario – York Region Chapter

Information, education, advocacy, self-help support group with links to community agencies for families living with Autism Spectrum Disorders.

Autism Treatment Services of Canada

Autism Treatment Services of Canada is a national affiliation of organizations that provides treatment, educational, management and consultative services to people with autism and related disorders across Canada.

Bartimaeus Inc.

Provides support to children, adolescents, adults, and seniors with special needs, experiencing emotional, psychological, developmental and/or behavioural problems or disabilities.

Best Buddies

A national charitable organization dedicated to enhancing our community through one-to-one friendships between people with intellectual disabilities and students.

Bloorview Kids Rehab

Serves Ontario’s children and youths with disabilities and special needs, and their families.

Canadian Association for Community Living

The Canadian Association for Community Living is a family-based association assisting people with intellectual disabilities and their families to lead the way in advancing inclusion in their own lives and in their communities.

Chapter 21

Provides services and support to people with an intellectual disability to promote their participation in meaningful daily activities.

Children’s Treatment Network of Simcoe York

Helps coordinate care for children and youth with multiple disabilities.

Click Here to download the CTN Guide to Services

Community Association for Riding for the Disabled

Provides therapeutic horseback riding for people with disabilities under the supervision of trained therapists, skilled equestrian staff and volunteers.

Community Home Assistance to Seniors (CHATS)

CHATS offers a full range of home care and community programs for seniors and caregivers each year.

Community Living Ontario

Community Living Ontario is a non-profit, provincial association that advocates for people who have an intellectual disability to be fully included in all aspects of community life.

Community Living Ontario - Student Links

The intent of Student Links is to assist students aged 14 to 21, who have an intellectual disability, explore ideas for their future after highschool.

Click Here for F.A.Q

Click Here for Student Link Application

Community Living Georgina

Services and support to ensure that all persons with developmental and related handicaps can fully participate in community living with dignity.

Community Living Newmarket/Aurora District

Provides services and support to people with an intellectual disability to promote their participation, friendship and citizenship in the community.

Community Support Housing

Supportive housing units that provide assistance to people with disabilities with daily activities to facilitate independent living.

ODSP Employment Support

Provides employment support services to people with various disabilities and barriers to employment. Employment services are funded through the Ontario Disability Supports Program – Employment Supports (ODSP-ES).

DeafBlind Ontario Services

Support adults with congenital or early adventitious deafblindness in individual 3-person homes.

Developmental Services Ontario

The site for people with developmental disabilities and their caregivers to learn about developmental services, supports and how to apply for services and supports.



Down Syndrome Association of York Region

Are a group of parents, individuals with Down Syndrome, Educators and Community Support Professionals who firmly believe in the inheret equality of persons with Down Syndrome.

Early Intervention Services of York Region

The early intervention program provides service to children and their families.

Easter Seal Society of Ontario – York Region

Dedicated to helping children, youth and young adults with physical disabilities achieve their full individual potential and future independence. Easter Seals funds disability solutions through financial assistance, summer camp, the Recreational Choices funding program, research, advocacy, and public and consumer education.

Elqueena Support Services Inc.

Program for persons with an intellectual disability. Day and after-school Programs for youth and adults with learning challenges.

Epilepsy York Region

Epilepsy York Region is a non-profit, community-based multi-service agency.

Funding and Financial Assistance Programs for Families with Children with Disabilities  

A downloadable Resource Guide

Geneva Centre for Autism

To empower individuals with an Autism Spectrum Disorder, and their families, to fully participate in their communities.

Halsey Lodge Adult Care Facility

Domicilary hostel with 24-hour support and supervision for vulnerable adults with mental disabilities. Offers independent living program, day support, respite, family home services and recreation.

Heep Chi Association

Provides culturally sensitive support, recognizing the uniqueness of each family. Helps families plan for the future so that developmentally challenged family members can make choices and plans for their own life.

Kerry’s Place, Community Services

Kerry’s Place Autism Services provides Community Outreach services, psychological and family support services to people with an ASD and accommodation supports.

Learning Disabilities Association – York Region

To provide leadership in learning disabilities advocacy, research, education and services and to advance the full participation of children, youth, and adults with learning disabilities in today’s society.

Ministry of Community and Social Services
Central East Region Office

Provides income and employment support for disabled Ontario residents and provides funding so that disabled residents can live at home with their families.

Special Olympics Ontario- Newmarket Division

Newmarket chapter of the Ontario Special Olympics. Provides sports training and competitive programs for persons 10-65 years with a mental disability.

The Newmarket Residence

Eighty-two bed community residence with 24-hour support and supervision for vulnerable adults 18 years and older with physical or cognitive impairments. Offers independent living program, day support, respite and recreation. Transportation and support for medical and dental appointments. Family doctor and psychiatrist visit on site.

Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy

Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy is a non-profit, charitable organization which strives to address the changing needs of people in Ontario with cerebral palsy by way of the following core activities. (1) Assisting people with cerebral palsy.

Ontario March of Dimes

Assists adults with physical disabilities. Fosters independence and integrated living through the provision of non-medical, self-directed assistance. Provides home care through an outreach attendant service for adults over 16 years old who are physically disabled. Assistive Devices Program assists with the purchase of basic mobility devices for individuals in financial need. Operates 3 supportive housing services programs and Acquired Brain Injury Services.

Participation House – Markham

Operates 6 community projects and one main residence unit with 24-hour support and supervision for developmentally and physically disabled adults 18 years of age and older. Special focus on Cerebral Palsy. Offers independent living program, day support, respite care, recreation and life skills. Full wheelchair accessibility.

PassportONE Walkthrough- YSSN

This website provides detailed information on how to use the new PassportONE system. 

Publications – Spotlight On Transformation

Spotlight on Transformation is the ministry’s newsletter for people interested in services and supports for people with a developmental disability.

Quality Assurance Measures

Quality assurance measures are rules that help agencies and Developmental Services Ontario provide high quality services and supports and meet set standards.

REENA – Toby and Henry Battle Developmental Centre

Provides supportive living services and outreach programs including summer and winter programs, day programs, evening programs, counseling and therapy groups for people with developmental disabilities. Provides Judaic programs and a Jewish environment for clients. – York Region


Social Services Network – for the South Asian Community in York Region

Welcome to Social Services Network (SSN) is a non-profit charitable organization delivering culturally and linguistically appropriate programs and services to the diverse South Asian community in the York Region.

Variety Village

Sport training and fitness centre specializing in programs for children and adults with special needs.

Vita Community Living Services

A non-profit organization providing supportive living day programs and respite services in multiple locations throughout Toronto and York Region to adults and youth with a developmental disability. Mens Sana offers supportive living, day programming, family support and resource navigation to individuals with Mental Health needs and their family/support network.

WindReach Farm

Offers a year round accessible agricultural (farming) environmental and nature interpretation centre available for everybody, especially designed for people of all ages with disabilities.

York Region Transit

Provides specialized and conventional public transit services throughout York Region. Call the office or visit the website for route and schedule details.

York Support Services Network

Provide case management services for people with developmental disabilities or serious mental illness to help them achieve personal goals for living, working and learning in their chosen environment.

905-898-3721 ext 2574