Hospitality Expenses 


This policy establishes spending guidelines for hospitality expenditures. For the purpose of this policy, hospitality expenditures will include all costs that may be incurred by an employee or volunteer while conducting Community Living York South’s business with:

  1. on-site guests of Community Living York South
  2. off-site guests of Community Living York South
  3. employees or volunteers of Community Living York South attending training or development sessions and,
  4. candidates on prearranged visits for employment interviews.


This policy is designed to control costs and to expedite the reimbursement process for employees and volunteers. All expenses related to hospitality must be in accordance with and governed by the Broader Public Sector Expenses Directive issued by Management Board of Cabinet effective April 1, 2011, which forms part and parcel of our own internal policy and is appended to our Financial Policies and Procedures Manual.


  1. Hospitality expenses may be claimed by Community Living York South’s employees or volunteers.   The completion and submission of a Travel & Expense Reimbursement form is required for travel or expenditure reimbursement claims. Claims for personal reimbursement should indicate the number of guests and the reason for the expense. Supporting documents, such as a receipt for a meal or a parking permit, should be attached to the claim whenever possible.
  2. Funds to offset hospitality expenditures will come from the department or program that has incurred the cost. For expenses related to members of the Board of Directors or other volunteers the appropriate expense category is “Board Expenses”. It is therefore important for managers to consider this cost when developing their annual budget.
  3. It may be possible to obtain additional funding for staff training or development when Community Living York South deems the cost necessary. In these situations an application and cost submission should be forwarded to a manager/director for consideration, not less than five working days before the event is scheduled to begin. If the application is approved, then the appropriate budget line item will be adjusted.
  4. The employee’s immediate supervisor will authorize and approve claims for reimbursement of personal expenditures made on behalf of Community Living York South. Claims related to members of the Board of Directors or other volunteers will be pre-authorized by the President (or his/her designate including the Executive Director) of Community Living York South.
  5. When large gatherings are planned, the expenditure may be billed directly to Community Living York South, by completing a Purchase Order and having it authorized in advance of the event.